




  • Letters for major fellowships are usually 1 to 2 pages single-spaced, except for the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship, 哪个问题需要一个简短的回答表格.
  •  Address letters to the individual who chairs the fellowship committee, 如果提供了该信息, or to the committee as a whole (“Dear Marshall Scholarship Committee”).
  • Make sure the letter is dated and printed on university or other appropriate letterhead.
  • Close with your signature and your full title or titles (e.g., “Assistant Professor of Anthropology” rather than just “Assistant Professor”).

你可能想问问你的学生还有谁在推荐他们,其他人可能会说什么. 然后,你可以在你的信中提供信息,以补充别人写的内容, so that together the letters will provide a more comprehensive picture of each applicant.

虽然我们鼓励学生向推荐人提供自己的详细信息, 的奖学金, 以及他们提出的项目或学习课程, it is not ethical to request that students provide drafts of their own letters. Faculty should also beware of leaning too heavily on material provided by students for their letters, since students give much the same information to each recommender, and following this material too closely can lead to letters that sound too much alike.

If you feel you cannot be emphatically positive in support of a student, if you recall little more about a student than the recorded grades, if a student approaches you in a highly unprofessional manner or if you simply do not have the time, you should say you cannot write a letter of recommendation.

  • 提供申请人的具体信息, 比如委员会成员可以用来确定申请人的优势的信息,这将有助于决定面试.
  • Provide some context of how you know the applicant (class, 研究, 工作, 公民, or other context) and for what period of time you have known the applicant.
  • 表明你个人认识申请人. 例如, 你们关系中独特的事件或行为比从简历中收集的信息更可信.
  • Point to specific examples of what the applicant has done. (If the student wrote a brilliant paper, mention its topic and why it stood out. 如果学生在其他方面表现突出, explain the nature of this 工作 and its particular strengths, especially as they relate to the goals of the fellowship.)
  • Discuss why the applicant would be a strong candidate for the specific fellowship. 该候选人如何体现奖学金所指定的个人品质或选拔标准? 具体的例子很重要.
  • 说明学生特别符合申请人所提议的课程或项目的资格. Such letters provide the links between past performance and what is proposed.
  • Letters that are too short and fail to provide specific examples or instances of points mentioned.
  • Generic letters or letters for another purpose sent without regard to the specific fellowship, 学习课程, 或提出的项目.
  • 仅概述申请中其他地方可用信息的信件,或仅展示学生在班级中的成绩或排名的信件.
  • 信函过于关注作者如何了解申请人的背景(课程或方法的描述),而没有充分关注学生和他或她的成就.
  • 主要由毫无根据的赞扬组成的信件. 那些不能让委员会强烈感受到申请人是如何脱颖而出的客套话是没有帮助的.
  • 带着微弱赞美的信件. 说一个学生做了预期的事情(完成了所有的阅读作业)或指出他的品质(守时)是没有用的, 热情, 外表)与友谊无关.
  • Letters that focus on experiences that happened quite a few years ago. 即使是来自与申请人有长期关系的作者的信件也需要尽可能地保持最新和前瞻性.
  • 可能被解读为暗示批评的信件(小心左手的赞美),或者其批评可能被认为是比所陈述的更强烈的保留意见. 信件应该是诚实的——而且是诚实的批评, 如果慷慨赠予, can enhance the force of a letter — but committees take critical comments very seriously. It is best to be cautious when making critical remarks and to avoid any sense of indirection.

With thanks to Mary Tolar, Deputy Secretary of the Truman Scholarship Foundation.


The Gates Cambridge selection process calls for two different letters. 两者都应该强调学生在剑桥选择的学位课程中学习的适用性. If you are writing a recommendation for University admission, 关注学生的学术成就和是否适合学习所建议的课程. 盖茨剑桥信托基金所需的推荐信应该反映出,在遴选过程中考虑到:“在确定和筛选最佳候选人时,领导潜力和帮助社会的承诺将与杰出的学术成绩一样重要。."


  • 在学术研究上有杰出的成就
  • Evidence of potential to make a significant contribution to chosen profession
  • Potential to assert 领导 in addressing global problems relating to learning, 技术, 健康和社会公平

找到 更多关于盖茨剑桥的信息,包括现任和往届获奖者的简介.

Note: The Marshall online application system will not accept letters longer than 1,000 words)

最有帮助的信件不仅要说明申请人的智力和专业前景,还要说明他或她在英国项目中表现良好的潜力, where students will 工作 much more independently than in the US. 学者们被期望成为优秀的英国大使,在美国代表英国,并成为各自领域的领导者. Addressing a candidate’s potential in both areas helps.


  • 解释为什么这个学生比其他学生突出,为什么你对他/她的个人和职业前景有信心
  • 为申请人的英国学术课程的适当性以及为什么他/她应该在英国学习提供具体的支持
  • 陈述你对该学生性格的评价,以及你所知道的他人对该学生的尊重程度
  • 包括你与学生的个人联系以及他或她对这种关系的贡献的细节.

找到 关于马歇尔号的更多信息,包括现任和往届获奖者的简介.

米切尔奖学金的使命是“教育未来的美国领导人了解爱尔兰岛,并为未来的领导人提供对爱尔兰岛的理解。, 对…感兴趣, 以及与, the island from which 44 million Americans claim descent.“米切尔学者希望学生在爱尔兰学习期间和整个职业生涯中成为各自领域的领导者和文化大使. 米切尔的12位学者作为一个团体做了很多事情, so a student's ability to contribute as a member of a team is particularly important. 同时, potential Mitchell Scholars must also be independent and able to fend for themselves, since each is likely to be one of only two awardees placed at a particular Irish university. 最后, 对爱尔兰-欧洲-美国关系感兴趣的学生在选择过程中具有优势. 在某种程度上,你可以评论与这些考虑相关的候选人的具体属性, 请这样做.


  • 智力卓越的证明记录, 领导, 还有课外活动, indicating a strong potential for future 领导 and contribution to society
  • 诚实、公平、无私地为他人服务
  • 为拟修课程做充分准备

找到 更多关于米切尔号的信息,包括现任和往届获奖者的简介.

正如罗德选举委员会的一位主席所说, “我们寻找的是那些全面发展的优秀学生,他们的身体‘突出’——一些与众不同的品质,从众多优秀的申请者中脱颖而出.“因此, 最有帮助的信件不仅要详细介绍申请人的一般智力成就,还要说明他或她是如何成为一个真正杰出的人的. 罗德学者被期望成为优秀的英国大使,并在美国代表英国. 该奖学金旨在为那些将成为各自领域的领导者并为他人的福祉做出贡献的人提供奖学金. 在某种程度上,你可以评论与这些考虑相关的候选人的具体属性, 请这样做.


  • Proven intellectual and academic achievement of the highest standard
  • Integrity of character, and demonstrated interest in and respect for his or her fellow beings
  • The ability to lead, and the energy to use his or her talents to the full

罗德奖学金委员会特别尊重那些既发光又真实的信件, with concrete evidence to support the writer's assertions about the applicant. Since committees may be skeptical of letters that are too effusive or unqualified in their praise, 推荐人被鼓励采用直率的语气.


  • Address only the criteria most relevant to your relationship with the student
  • Explain the significance of the student's particular achievements, beyond "just the facts"
  • 在可能的情况下, speak to the applicant's strengths in applying for the particular Oxford 学习课程
  • 把学生描绘成未来的领导者, one whose influence will extend beyond the professional realm
  • 在可能的情况下, offer concrete examples of altruism, activism, and service to others
  • 提供证据证明申请人有体力和情绪弹性,能够利用提供的机会,并机智地适应意外情况
  • Not hesitate to mention areas in which there is potential for growth

找到 更多关于罗德岛的信息,包括现任和往届获奖者的简介.